Counceling & Therapy

I offer counseling and therapy in German, English, and Russian.


→ short term: usually under 10 sessions

→ one or more specifically defined topics or problems

→ goal: defining the problem, uncovering resources, finding a solution

Counseling can be necessary if you struggle with acute problems like a crisis, taking a decision, solving a specific conflict within your relationship(s) or family. It can help you improve your work, personal life, and relationship(s).


→ middle to long term: usually more than 10 sessions

→ involves work with deeper parts of the clients personality, creates understanding of broader life challenges, struggles, patterns, values, resources, and longings

→ goal: changing general aspects of life that cause pain and enforcing the ones that create joy and fulfillment

Therapy might be relevant if you have symptoms of depression, anxiety, addictive behavior, struggles with self worth, or long-lasting problems in specific contexts (work place, relationships, taking decisions, reaching goals, relaxing)

Possible settings

  • individual
  • couples and polyamorous settings
  • families
  • work and other groups

Often it is not obvious in the first moment, whether a topic requires goal-oriented counseling, or deeper therapy, and the distinction between these two interventions can be fuzzy. If you are not sure, which type of intervention you need, you are welcome to simply come by for an appointment and tell me your troubles. We will then decide together, how to proceed.